Help us reach neighbors in need by volunteering at Berkley Cares Food Pantry!
Our dedicated volunteers help with a variety of tasks, including:
Greeting pantry guests
Sorting, packing, and distributing Care Boxes
Collecting and organizing pantry donations
Setting up and cleaning up for Pantry Days
Delivering Care Boxes to neighbors within a 3 mile radius of Berkley (must be 21+ with a valid drivers license, proof of registration, and insurance)
Volunteer shifts take place at the Pantry on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Please arrive 15 minutes before the start of your shift and park in the church parking lot (by Rite-Aid).
Please note:
The minimum age requirement to volunteer is 14 years old (with parental consent).
Volunteers are required to complete BCFP’s pantry waiver form prior to volunteering.
Please dress in comfortable clothing. All volunteers must wear closed-toe shoes.
Sign up below to begin volunteering!
Community Groups
We would love for your group to join us!
We welcome your help and hope to build lasting partnerships with the diverse groups in and around Oakland County.
Contact us today if you’re interested in hosting a fundraiser or want to volunteer at the pantry.
Please note: The pantry works best with groups of 4 - 5 volunteers at a time.
Youth Groups & Kids Under 14
EVERY volunteer counts at BCFP and while we have an age restriction at the pantry, there are ways you or your youth group CAN join us!
A few ideas are listed below but the possibilities are endless! Let your imagination go wild and have fun…but be safe!
Target Food Drives (1-2 items only, based pantry needs)
Backyard Balloon Raffle
Plan a seasonal Scavenger Hunt
Drop the Change/Fill the Bucket fundraiser
Bottle Drive
Contact the pantry today with your idea and we’ll help spread the message!